Carb on Carb + Friends

Carb on Carb + Friends


Before their journey to Japan, Carb on Carb spent a night at Whammy Bar playing alongside their mates.

It was Blush Juliet's debut show, and even though they commented it would be their last, I hope it won't be! Their set was very enjoyable. Looking for to their single that's coming soon.

Ana Te Kōtiro was breath taking. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. As her beautiful voice boomed, her hand was moving so quickly using her looping controller. She would loop four, five even six sample layers with not a single mistake (well, not that my ears could pick up). I came away feeling very inspired!

Being., the graceful Jasmine Balmer is always mesmerising to watch. She has a way of being (hehe), so calming while still brings forth emotions of both fierceness and bubbling joy.

Finally one of New Zealand's coolest Emo-Punk bands 'Carb on Carb' played their set. Ok, so you know how I can be a bit fangirl, it's quite embarrassing at times. But I want you to know I played it cool while asking Nicole and James to sign my records of theirs (which was so not cool). Carb on Carb is off on their first ever Japan tour. Performing their worldwide acclaimed album 'for ages', my favourite album they have released yet. Good Luck Guys, We'll See You When Your Back Home.

Blush Juliet

Blush Juliet

Ana Te Kōtiro

Ana Te Kōtiro



Carb on Carb

Carb on Carb

Maggie Rogers

Maggie Rogers

Orpheus Incarnate By CurioNoir

Orpheus Incarnate By CurioNoir